
todays deep thought....

actually, ive got nothing. I have rewritten this post three times now. Nothing witty to say, nothing deep and prophetic. Just am sitting here working at my job. Actually managing people today. Delegating duties. Getting ready for my CASA meeting. This is my life.
I get up.
I let the cat out
I attempt yoga
I eat Cheerios
I shower
I stand in the closet for a few minutes waiting for inspiration- yes mama, I know I should pick out my clothes before I go to bed.
I attempt hair and makeup
I let the cat in
I get in my car
I drive to work
I read email
I read daily blogs
I look at some work
I blog some more
I answer eleventy million emails from my contractors
I eat lunch
I sit in 15 meetings
I blog some more
I read elelventy million more emails
I drive home
I let the cat in
I feed the cat
I let the cat out again
Light up the grill
Cook dinner
Sit on the couch
Go to bed.
I let the cat in
I go back to bed.
Do it all over again

I need a change. I need something to mix it up...


Anonymous said...

Get a dog? heh heh.
(My life is like that, too. Only, for me it's all about the boy child and the dog.)

The Girl said...

I actually really really want a dog. I want a lab, but since they are soo much work, i dont know if I am ready.

Anonymous said...

don't get a dog b/c you think it will better you, get a dog b/c you want to better it.