
songs that rile the beast inside...

"Break Your Heart"- Barenaked Ladies from Born on a Pirate Ship. This song just played on my Launchcast.

Lord, this just took me back to 1999. Sitting in my apartment that I was sharing with my much older boyfriend Sean. Oh Sean, wherefore art thou? Rumor has it you are living illegally in Key West. But I digress. I remember sitting on our couch that made that weird noise, looking at Sean cooking. Hating him. Within 25 hours I had gone from loving him to death, to wanting to smother him with a pillow while he slept. He was making a seafood stirfry. He spent like 30 dollars on shit for this meal. 30 dollars that I had made bartending the night before. He was yammering on and on, and all I could think of was "you fucking idiot, who do you think you are, spending my money on MUSSELS?" We probably went out like we always did, because God forbid we ever spend anytime together at the house. He would get drunk, I would drive him home. We did this for two years. I barely remember what he looks like, but I remember the mussels.

Interesting isnt it?

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