
Who we are attracted to...

What chemical in our body or what zap in our brain causes us to be attracted to certain people? I wish I could be all high and mighty and say that looks dont matter, but that would be total bullshit. Yes, I am attracted to many a fine mind (look at my last long term mindscrew-he wasnt that pretty), but there is still a strong physical pull to a certain kind of man.
I look back at all, or some of the men in my life. There are trends that are quite noticeable. For the longest time, I liked tall, blonde hair, blue eyed men. Athletic builds, good arms, etc. Must be outdoorsy, and like spors. Then someone pointed out that most of these guys looked like my dad- ouch. Now, my dad is really quite cute- he is 6'4, 205lbs, blonde hair blue eyed-- i get some of my good looks from him, but I wasnt consciously looking for a daddy wannabe. That would require too much time on the psychologists couch. The next round of guys I like were all dark- brunettes, darkers skin, medium builds- I was in a Latin phase for a while- dont know if the Ricky Martin craze in the early century (ha, I have always wanted to use that phrase) impacted my taste, but I certainly was attracted to Spanish and Mexican men. Then I moved to Austin- not quite sure what happened, but I was sampling a little bit of the men smorgasboard! Tall, shorter, lighter, darker, they were all cute- I guess it helped that I was coming off of a three year relationship, and I needed some variety- and before you think I was whoring around Austin, thats not the case- I was just dating and smooching a lot of guys- I was in my early 20's it was allowed. Flash foward to 2003- Met the total opposite of me. Whereas he was Jack Spratt who could eat no fat, I was working on being the wife who could eat no lean. He was tall, thin with longish hair- TOTAL opposite from every man that I ever dated, looked at or liked. He just smelled good to me. I tossed away all physical attractivness requirements, and just fell for the guy- the brain, the laugh, the whole deal. For a long time I was happy- and it had nothing to do with looks or attraction. Sadly, though, it didnt last. At the end of the day you need to feel that chemical pull towards a person. You need that zing, you need the lust for the person. What causes our brains to be attracted to a certain person and not to others. I am a big beliver in smell. Some guys just smell better than others. Some guys smell sticks with me years later. Other guys, well, I can smell a cologne that they used to wear and it physically disgusts me. Smell is important.
Which brings me to today, yet again my taste in men have changed. I am leaning more towards the tall, dark, and handsome. The darker the better. Something about that just makes me all tingly inside. Is it an itch that needs to be scratched, or is it a chemical requirement?

Makes me wonder.

My man muse for the night.

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