
A girl scout song keeps running through my head

Which is strange for a few reasons- 1) I was never a Girl Scout- for some strange reason my parents didnt let me and 2) I hate the following song.

"Make new friends. Keep the old. One is silver and the other gold"

Yep, all weekend in my head. Which is basically what I have been doing lately- building new friendships through CASA, and continuing to nurture the friendships that I have had over the years.

Well internet, heres the deal- my best friend and I of over 10 years, are speaking again. I really dont know what caused the blow-up last time, but for the past 6 months, we havent really spoken. Yesterday we went to dinner, talked and are back on the right path. ALSO, I am slowly starting to start something again with a B-O-Y that I used to hang out with last year. Slowly. We are going to become friends again, and then see what happens. This guy made me smile. I miss that, and think he misses me. We shall see.

So my friends, my readers, my random internet friends, thats what this weekend is all about- Making memories, remembering our Military on this Memorial Weekend, and being good to our family, and friends.


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