
Who are you?

Simple question really? Who are you? Who am I? Who are the people that come to this site everyday? Are you a mother, a father, a wife, a husband, a lover, an enemy, an employer? Are you a friend, a co-worker, or a stranger? When we look at ourselfs, what do we see? Many of you know that music kind of follows me around everywhere. My friend John calls me a walking iPod- because I can associate a song with just about everything. I think its a good thing to have. I woke up this morning thinking of an old Broadway song- "Who are you now" and it started me thinking about this whole darn topic.
So here, in a few words, is who I think I am at 7:38 am- if you have a blog- feel free to tell us who you are. If you dont have a blog, leave a comment, otherwise, just take a few moments to think about this question.

Who are you?

I am Kate.
I am a daughter.
I am a sister.
I am a friend.
I am a volunteer.
I am sometimes more thanjust a friend.
I am sometimes a pain the ass.
I am emotional.
I am driven.
I am me.

The lyrics from the song I was thinking about--

Who are You Now- from Funny Girl

Who are you now,

Now that you're mine?

Are you something more

Than you were before?

Are you warmer in the rain,

Are you stronger for my touch,

Am I giving too little

By my lovin' you too much?

How is the view,

Sunny and green?

How do you compare it to

The views you've seen?

I know I am better, braver and surer too,

But you--are you now--

Who are you now?

Are you someone better for my love?