
My friends and my favorite art...

Today, I had a great day with my girlfriends. Nothing in particular happened, but I realized how wonderful it is to have a strong powerful network of women in my life. I have friends all over the country that make me laugh, and remind me that life can be pretty damn great.
We ban together when one of our own is wounded. We help those that need our support, we rally against those who dare to hurt one that we call our own. I am proud to call these women my friends. Hopefully you know who you are. You are the women that have called me during the past month, have emailed me, have sent me messages, have posted positive things on this blog. You reminded me that despite all the crap, something good would come out of all of this. You were right. Something fantastic has come out of it.

The painting above is done by my favorite artist Kathy Womack She is an amazing artist with a gallery here in Austin.Her paintings really capture the spirit of girlfriends and just having fun.

So I thank each and every one of you, that have stood next to me during this crazy time- Love you all!