
I am going to talk about love

Tina Turner wrote, or sang, a rather catchy tune "Whats love got to do with it" back in the 80's. The lyrics went a little like this...
"who needs a heart when a heart can be broken"
Sometimes I think that life is a little like this song. Who needs love? Love is just a puffed up idea that is publicized by romance writers, Club Med Honeymoon planners, Hallmark card writers. Or so many think.
I believe in love. I really do. I see the love between my parents, I remember the love given to my by my Grammy when I was a little girl. I see love between my friends that are married. I enjoy looking at new love when you see a couple just in the "first throes of love"
Have I ever been in love? I don't really know. Probably yes. If you would have asked me during a boyfriend I would have said, YES YES YES. In hindsight, I really dont know. I think I was in love with the idea of being with someone.
I remember falling in love with someone, but I can more clearly remember falling out of love with the muliple ex's.
Does that mean I wasnt in "true love?" I am not sure.
But, after this week of hive fest, I have decided I am just going to chill out on the quest for my "true love" - Hell, he probably is at HEB right now. I'm having a bad hair month and not ready for him anyways!

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