y'all- I am a health insurance nightmare
I have my normal doctor that I go to if I am feeling "icky"
I have my Ob/Gyn for normal girl stuff.
I have my special Gyn for un-normal stuff.
I have a neurologist for my migraines.
I have a dentist for my lovely smile.
I have a dermatologist that takes care of my tanning issues.
I have a KICK ASS Foot/Ankle guy that takes care of my annual sprain/break.
All this, and I am only 28.
Can you imagine my entourage by the time I am 50?
as Rufus and Chaka Khan would say...
Ok day today, was a bit of a slackass at work- seems that I just dont give a shit anymore. This will pass, I just need a few days off.
My A/C isnt working at full capacity. Something is very wrong with it.
There is a bug problem at my house. Hasnt been bugs till lately, and its just pissing me the hell off.
My house is a mess. Things arent where they should be, and it's driving me nuts. But its just not me in the house anymore. I am sharing. I dont like to share.
My weekend could potentially be busy, but I just want to lay on my hammock and SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP.
Who are you? Do I know you?
Leave a comment, email me... Make yourself known!!!
i have a HUGE crush on..
Oh dear god, I have been listening to his music all night. It just soothes me. It makes me want to dance. It makes me want to snuggle on the couch with a good book and a glass of wine. It makes me want to lay in the hammock and stare at the stars.
Is it possible to have the hots for a mans voice?
My Fourth Of July Wish
I have decided to compile a list of stuff I want for the 4th of July. Ya know, everyone makes Christmas lists, I want some mid year stuff too. So here it is, in no certain order.
1. A full night sleep.
2. A clean house.
3. A full tank of gas.
4. Someone to take out the trash for me. (Oh, how I hate taking out the trash)
5. Watermelon
6. Purple Kool-Aid
7. Mama's Tater Salad.
8. Someone to watch the fireworks with. Or to make fireworks.. (ok, this one is a long shot)
9. A really good new book to read in my hammock.
10. A really good night out without a hangover the next morning.
11. Sparklers
12. New music for Pinky.
Thats it- thats not too much to ask right? Sparklers, Kool-Aid and Tater Salad. I guess I could make the salad. I guess I could make the kool aid. I guess I could watch the fireworks by myself.
i am just going to talk about this once..
I don't understand guys. Period, end of sentence. Don't get them, probably never will.
I am partially talking about my experience with men, but am also talking about some of the dumbasses that I know and love so well, that just happen to be men. Spent the day on the boat yesterday with some single friends- we all were talking about the boondagle that is our relationships.
See this is the way I think things should be( and since I am a dating retard this means NOTHING). This scenario can go a few different ways.
Boy and Girl Meet- they meet in a bar, at Starbucks, at church, online, at the carwash, at the dentist. Who knows, who cares, it doesnt matter they meet.
They exchange pleasantries. They do that damn conversation bullshit trying to figure each other out.
They exchange phone numbers, e-mails, blood type- again, whatever, they exchange information that encourages futher communication.
(Ok, at this point is where I am going to say how I think it should work)
Person A calls Person B. Again, they try to figure out whether or not they move forward to the dreaded first date. Phone calls are important- you get to figure out whether or not you like they way this person sounds. If their voices grates on you, or if they use the lovely phrase "aint got no..", you might want to thank them for their time, wish them well in life, but end the freaking phone call. Be assertive. Make close ended statements. If you dont want to ever see this person again, dont say "we should hang out some time", if you never ever plan on seeing this person again. OR dont leave it hanging if you really do want to see this person again- be agressive and ask this person who you have enjoyed talking to out for a drink, a latte, or a lunch. If you are curious about this person, grab life by the proverbial balls and do something about it. Lord, we are all old enough now to know how to talk. Most of us are professionals that have to talk to people every day.
Ok, you get to the first date- it goes well. Girl isnt repulsed by Boys eating habits, Boy doesnt throw up in his mouth when girl smiles at him. MAKE PLANS TO DO SOMETHING AGAIN- Bite the bullet, put it out there- lets see where this shit goes.
On the other hand, the date goes HORRIBLY. I mean, you cant wait for this date to end. You dont even want to make eye contact with this person for fear that they might have evil lasers shooting from their eyes. They smell weird to you, they have a toupee that wont stop moving around their head (ok, thats from personal experience)- you know there is no way in hell that you EVER want to see this person again. Now its time to slip on the Big Kids Underroos and be honest with the person. Thank them for meeting you out, but tell them that you arent really feeling it, and you think its better to leave it at just one date. It may be an instant sting, and suck, but really, it will save everyone hurt and angst down the road. (Ok, I lied and told Toupee Man that I was dating someone, but that was years ago, i'm smarter now)
So you move forward- you date a bit, and you are getting comfortable with a person. Tell the person what you are thinking. We are all getting older. I have a friend that dated a girl for 5 months, but he was afraid of breaking up with her, because he didnt want to hurt her feelings. They literally went out for 5 months and he couldnt stand her. I have a girlfriend that dated a guy for three months and then one day just stopped calling the guy. Poor schumck, had no idea what happened to him. If we are old enough to date and to have sex, we should be old enough to tell each other how we feel.
Oh, this brings me to another point... if you are seeing multiple people- TELL the people. Most will be happy that you told them you are still dating other people- it gives a good guide for where you are at in the dating world. (Of course I am of that old school philosophy that you should only sleep with one person at a time.. but what do I know?) I have another friend who is dating a girl, but keeps a back up "hook-up" in his back pocket. His philosophy is "you never know when you might need to get some"- In my oh-so humble opinion, thats just total crap, but what do I know.
Finally- my last point on this current thought.
Say you are dating a person, and you really like them- tell the person. It will make their day- Dont be a chicken shit and not tell them for fear of being vulnerable- another friend is ass over teacups in love with a guy, but she doesnt want to tell him first. My guess is that he probably feels the same way, but is afraid to tell her.
Say you are dating a person, and you just dont like them anymore- tell the person. Time is too valuable, and life is too damn short to fake something. Tell them, and move on.
Maybe its my group of friends- we are the WORST daters in the world. There are a few of the lucky schmucks that get married, and they somehow won the lotto. We look up to them as our dating guru's. I just know, after going to lunch with some friends and sharing stories about this, most people in the world don't know how to date- Lord knows, I don't. I just dont understand the process at all- maybe my little twisted philosophy is off base. Maybe I am doing it all wrong. Who knows. I sure as hell don't.
holy hair ADD
I went from shoulder length and dark, to short and blonde... split hair personalities perhaps?
Another entirely new blog is on the way. Won't be replacing NQM, but a lovely addition to!
Michigan Girl Embraces Her Inner Hillbilly
I am chagrined to say that I am almost a Texan. I love my Midwestern Roots, but last night, I realized I was filled with total and utter joy when "Sweet Home Alabama" came on at the club. Now, if you saw this place http://www.theluckylounge.com/ , you would laugh at the fact that any kind of Skynard was playing, but that my dear friends is a joy of living in Austin. After we stopped dancing our butts off, we needed a little midnight refreshements- went to a little diner where Hank Williams was playing. Internet, tis true, I was singing "Jambalya" with two musicans at the diner. I even was able to sing the harmony! This girl, who grew up in the 'burbs of Detroit, and listened to this station http://fm98wjlb.com/main.html, is now hanging out in Texas, crooning some good ole country tunes. Well, maybe I am part hillbilly- had a martini in one hand, and was wearing $150 shoes whilst busting out some Hank Senior!
Dear Internet,
I am doing a little project this week-borrowed my roomates digital camera and will be finding my top 10 Favorite things- ala Oprah style. I will be sharing them with everyone. If you have a blog and want to post your things- just drop a comment so we can all see whats rocking our worlds.
Another idea I really want to work on is a Recipe section- Need to think about how I can make it an interactive part of this blog. Maybe will start a message board and link back.
More to come- I am up, and rejuvinated.
you can dance if you want too...
So heres what I am thinking. The rest of the summer I shall just enjoy myself. Worry about the future later on. Stop thinking too much about today, and only worry about the right now. I am aging myself by second guessing, trying to figure others out, and trying to think for the whole company.
Dear internet, here is the deal. If you want to get a hold of me, you know how to do it- email, call or IM me. I am available. I will not wait for you to call though. Life is too short to try to figure out what is in someone elses head.
Have a great Sunday,
random crap going through my head.
1. Michael Buble- great talent. Love his Starbucks commerical- I love his CD "Home"- and specifically him singing the title song "Home"
2. Friends- Gotta Love them. Seriously. Even though lately, I havent been a really good friend. Been working soo much lately- I am forgetting to spend time with people that are important to me. Tonight one of my girlfriends is having a cocktail party- and I am too pooped to play. Another friend has invited me to downtown and hang out- am just to tired and to down to really make a good drinking buddy. Sometimes the choices we make impact so much. In order to further my career, I have been blasting full steam, ignoring things that are important to focus on work. 30 years from now am I going to think about the contractors in Nepal? The work flow issue that had me up and working at 7am this morning? Probably not. Will I remember my friends- God, I hope so.. My plan for this week is to work a little less, and spend time with the people that actually give a shit about me. Priorities Kate- priorities. Spend your minutes wisely. I have been acting very selfish lately. I have to remember that the world doesnt revolve around me- if I keep putting off people, they will stop calling me.
3. TV- TV has been total crap lately. Now that basketball season is over with, and football isnt for another few months- what the hell am I going to watch? I guess I should just read more.
Internet, I need inspiraton. I am feeling kind of overwhelmed lately-need to make smarter choices.
Thats all. Think I am going to go to bed.
went and saw Bewitched today- wasnt as good as I hoped it was going to be.
got my hair cut
got a massage
had to work off and on all day.
not quite the day I was hoping for.
about guys...
So true. Here's some tips I found from a guy who's supposedly had tons of experience with women. Guys live and learn:30 THINGS GUYS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT GIRLS:
1. Whatever you do, don't just show up at their house...they run around in their underwear just like we do.
2. DON'T CHEAT ON THEM. It may seem foolproof, but girls tell each other everything about everything. Trust me, they WILL find out and you will be dirt
.3. Beware of every single male relative and all guy friends. Any of them would kick your ass at the drop of a hat, and a lot of them wouldn't even wait for the damn hat.
4. Never miss an opportunity to tell them they're beautiful.
5. Don't refuse to kiss in front of your friends. If they laugh at you, it's because they're jealous.
6. If they slap you hard, you deserved it.7. Don't be afraid to touch them if you want to. If they're going out with you in the first place, it's because they like being in your arms.
8. If you don't sleep with them, do not tell your friends that you did.
8.5 If you DO sleep with them, don't tell your friends that you did.
9. You can be dirty minded in private, really...most of them are not offended by it...
10. Not all of them eat like birds, a lot of them can eat like whales.
11. Most of them don't mind paying half of everything, but they do discuss these things with their friends. Realize that if you make your girlfriend pay half all the time, everyone will know about it and your friends will know you're a pussy..
11. Do you honestly need all your money that much? Be a man, pay all the time!
12. Every girl should eventually get three things from her boyfriend- a stuffed animal, one of his sweatshirts, and a really pretty ring. Even if it's not a serious relationship.
13. Make sure she gets home safely as often as you can. If you're dropping her off, walk her to the door. If you aren't dropping her off, call to be sure she's home safely.
14. If a guy is bothering her, it is your right to beat the shit out of him.
15. If you're talking to a female friend of yours, pull your girlfriend closer.
16. Never ever slap her, even if it's just in a joking way. Even if she swats you first, and says, "Oh, you're so dumb" or something, never make any gestures back.
17. Go to a chick flick once in a while. She doesn't care whether you enjoy it or not, it just matters that you went.
18. You're dead meat if you can not get along with their pets, parents, and best friends. Be prince charming to their friends, Mr. Polite to their parents, and make sure to be nice to their animals.
19. Don't flirt with their moms...that's just freaky.
20. Don't be freaked out by PMS. It's not gross, and it really does make them feel like shit, so be understanding.
21. If you don't like the way they drive, you do it.
22. If you're officially dating, and you're introducing her to your friends, you'd better damn well introduce her as your girlfriend.
23. Don't stress where you go for every date. They really only want to be with you.
24. If they complain that something hurts, rub it for them without being asked.
25. Girls are fragile. Even if you're play fighting/wrestling, be very gentle.
26. Memorize their god damn birthdays. You forget her birthday and you're basically screwed for life.
27. Don't marinade the cologne, but smell good.
28. Don't give her something stupid for her birthday or Christmas or Valentine's day. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it has to be meaningful. Jewelry is always nice.
29. If you think the relationship isn't going to last, don't wait to find out. It will only hurt you more if you draw it out.
30. After you've been dating for a while, realize that they really have started to trust you. When you have a girlfriend who truly trusts you, you have a lot more responsibility, privilege and control than you would think. Be careful with it, most guys would kill for that kind of power, and it can be lost in a nanosecond.
was up before 6am this morning.
i have been up for 19 hours- at least. didnt sleep all the way through the night last night, or wednesday. or tuesday for that matter.
mind cant stop turning. i keep thinking about all the crap that i need to do, should have done, and shouldn't have said. thinking about the things that I have done this week- replaying moments in my head- questioning decisons, concerns over actions and words. this is normal for me now. its like i need a switch to turn myself off. i am replaying conversations, situations and moments. should i have made that decision at work today? should i have said something to a friend last night? should i have gone to my 10 year reunion? should i write a business plan for a business that i have no funds to start? how will i pay all my bills this month? what happens if i dont have a job next week? should i go back to school and learn something new? what can i do to feel healthier? should i go to the gym in the morning? will he call me back? will my friends marriage survive? will my friends move go well?
seriously- this is just a sample of whats bopping through my head tonight.
for some reason, i am feeling very verbose this evening. i am not really sure who i am writing this for- is it for me? my friends? my family? someone unknown person on the internet?
i popped in a yoga for relaxation dvd earlier tonight- it relaxed my body, but not my mind. i wish there was a way just to turn off tonight. will make tomorrow easier.
One last post- I swear
Hold on to your panties friends, I am reading "Sucessful Catering: Managing the Catering Operation for Maximum Profit". Good smutty reading for a Friday dontcha think?
I am brewing an idea in my mind. I want to be my own boss. I want to make some changes in my life. Might as well read up, and start figuring out what I want to do.
Anyone have a less exciting night than me? Please share.
and yet another post today...
this post is about religions. specifically religions that aren't mine. i am catholic. there are a lot of people out there that don't believe in the Big C. I am ok with that. Really. I am a semi-Catholic at that. I don't go around the world spreading the Churches beliefs. You aren't going to see me at an Anti-Abortion Rally, or trying to burn down Planned Parenthoods. I don't force my beliefs on anyone else, as they are exclusively mine.
i cant stand that celebrity's lately have been using their fame to push religions down peoples throat. Scientology is the big focus of this week- I don't even need to go into that- It just disgusts me that someone(Tommy Cruise), who is SO CLEARLY not a doctor is talking about a clinical diagnosis and contradicting it. I cant stand that the Kabalah is now a fashion trend. I hate that celebrity's feel that because they are famous, they have the right to push their beliefs, be it political or religious down all of our throats.
my two cents
That was then....
Stayin Alive In 1995

Three cheers for Oscoda High School and Members of her team...

I will try to post a "then" and "now" picture today- So you can see what 10 years has done to the old girl.
Duke Ellington soothes...
In case anyone cares (and thats making the assumption that anyone is reading), work today is a trifle bit better. Had a long heart to heart with the VP today- we discussed my role, my workload, and the general state of my departments work-flow.
I feel somewhat better about this, but still want to move forward on starting my business. Not quite sure what to start with, but am going to keep pushing foward.
bad boys bad boys...
Despite the fact that my boys lost, I still managed to have a most excellent night.
Currently drinking my morning crack (Venti Iced Goodness with Splenda)
Listening to NPR
Reading a Wall Street Journal.
Does it get much better than this?
neiner, neiner HA HA
I love blogging- We get to meet some of the coolest people.
are you there internet? its me kate
I may like a boy.
He may like me back.
I don't want to screw this up.
Dear Internet, please dont let me screw this up,
Love my team, love the sport!
I will be on the edge of my seat tomorrow night rootin on my Motown BOYS!
and he fell off the bed...
internet, i cant freakin sleep. i have gotten next to NO sleep in the past 4 days, and now I am wide awake. my mind is full of stuff. i dont know how to turn my brain off. any suggestions?
thought about reading, but that could start me off in a very bad path- i could be up till tomorrow.
so right now, i am listening to, embarrasingly enough, "Cry for you" by Jodeci. Yes, internet, I am clearly channeling the high school Kate, as I am pretty sure this song came out in 1993. Next, I kid you not will probably be something equally pathetic, like Boys II Men, or maybe Extreme. What was that song by Mr. Big- "im the one who wants to be with you..." I am suddenly in a very 90's mellow mood. Thank god, the shuffle on my iPod has saved me from sudden music suicide- My sweet Etta James is now crooning- much better, and safer for me to be listening to. Next thing you know I will be wearing my B.U.M. tee shirt, and Z- Caverici (i dont know if I ever had those) jeans, with my Esprit purse and Aussie Scrunch spray in my hair.
That is enough to scare me into wearing real clothes for the next few days- thank god my hair has gotten MUCH better since 1993. I think I had a perm and an a-symetrical cut happening.
Mom, if you are reading this, will you please scan and email me some pictures from High School? I want to relive those gloriously bad hair days all over again.
Ok, an even better song just popped up on Pinky- Van Morrisons "Into the Mystic"
On that note, I am going to try really hard to go to sleep- love to y'all.
Rosa and ComplexGirl- what was your 90's hair style?
Oh everyone, my friend Jelly has had to say goodbye to her beautiful dog Rukus today- he has fought the good fight with cancer. Keep her and her canine buddy in your thoughts por favor.
Miss Devine is back in reality from her week-long trip to the 'rents- hopefully she will fill us in on all kinds of good stuff- I have missed her this week in BlogLand.
Oh good, a great song to say good night to " Winters of March" by Jane Monheit.
as my little buddy Kate Elizabeth would say "Beunos Nachos Y'all"
no matter where you go...
just heard something that made me think...
dont just think for you, but think how your actions are going to impact people over time.
I like that. Wish more people felt the same.
my deep thought for the day.
an open letter to the world
i am tired tonight. i have been in the sun for two days now-(there ruins my mid-summer resolution), i accidentally got inebriated on dark rum last night and was sick for hours. i went on a boat all day today, and am the color of cocoa. (that part is ok). i have cramps, a sunburned nose, and am still slightly hungover from the incident with the rum. note to self, don't ever drink rum again. my friend got a new boat and we were on it all day long. boating was good, except when you are slightly hungover it can be a little rough. again, dont ever drink rum again. went to Johnny Fins today for a mid-afternoon sun reprieve and i found myself the most handsome peice of tall dark and drop dead gorgeous (TDG) to stare at. sadly, I was stinky and hung over and didnt really feel like I would make a good impression on TD&G in the state I was in. please dont drink rum again.
so thats my story world, I have had a great weekend, and am ready to rock out the next work week. oh yeah, and I am never drinking rum again,
love katieg
my summer resolutions
this summer i resolve to do a few things for myself.
i resolve to exercise at least 3 times a week.
i resolve to work less and enjoy life more.
i resolve to eat less than 1300 calories a day (its a fun challenge eating food that tastes good, and is low fat)
i resolve to watch less tv and read more.
i resolve to give myself manis and pedi's, instead of going to the local nail shack.
i resolve to TRY to limit my sun exposure.
i resolve to go to Church once in a while.
there ya have it.
i'm homesick
weird huh?
Am I Un-American?
Proud to be an American - sang it for Hilary and Chelsea Clinton at the White House or Capital or something like that- I always associate that song with her and her ill fitting clothes she wore that day.
Tie a Yellow Ribbon- want to tie that ribbon around Tony Orlando's neck.That really crappy Toby Keith song about Americans kicking ass.. dont like that one as well.
I started to despair, thinking that maybe I really am Canadian. Maybe I should move to Italy. Then it hit me.. I love a Patriotic Song. More than life itself. Every time I hear it I think of Fourth of July, Watermelon, and Bathing Suits. Whats that song that inspires song, and summer in my heart?
AMERICA by Neil Diamond...
I seriously love this song. Don't start me singing it, or I will never stop. Maybe its a love of America, or just a love of Neil Diamond. Doesn't matter, now I don't have to move to Canada.
hives be damned..
the hives are at a manageable amount.
i am not scratching uncontrollably.
i am cutting out some stress.
seriously think it was a stress attack and not an allergic reaction.
the stressier i got, the worse the hives got. CoinkyDink? Nah.
So, I come back to the blog world, a little itchier than normal... but I'M BACK! This is my last post about hives. I swear to God.
Ashford and Simpson are singin "Solid" on my Launchcast- how great is that?
I am going to talk about love
"who needs a heart when a heart can be broken"
Sometimes I think that life is a little like this song. Who needs love? Love is just a puffed up idea that is publicized by romance writers, Club Med Honeymoon planners, Hallmark card writers. Or so many think.
I believe in love. I really do. I see the love between my parents, I remember the love given to my by my Grammy when I was a little girl. I see love between my friends that are married. I enjoy looking at new love when you see a couple just in the "first throes of love"
Have I ever been in love? I don't really know. Probably yes. If you would have asked me during a boyfriend I would have said, YES YES YES. In hindsight, I really dont know. I think I was in love with the idea of being with someone.
I remember falling in love with someone, but I can more clearly remember falling out of love with the muliple ex's.
Does that mean I wasnt in "true love?" I am not sure.
But, after this week of hive fest, I have decided I am just going to chill out on the quest for my "true love" - Hell, he probably is at HEB right now. I'm having a bad hair month and not ready for him anyways!
hives as an accessory?
day 14 of non-stop work.
could there be a correlation?
really getting sick of the hives- my skin looks like shit.
my face is puffy, and now I am bloated from the steroids.
the only good thing about today is that Launchcast is playing some wickedly good tunes.
effin hives
have a wicked reaction to something.
hives have been here for 6 days.
i look like a welty tomatoe.
i am on steroids, HUGE amounts of Benadryl, and Tagamet of all things.
this would of course happen the day before a big CASA event.
welts be damned, I am going to be there for the kids.
oh, and I am still brewing my deep thought on love- which will be the post to end all posts!
a deep post is brewing.
y'all have been warned.
its friday night.....
Can't wait!
Going to sit on my couch and watch Closer, Finding Neverland and Big Lewbowski one more time.
I am going to give myself a manicure and a facial. I am going to relax. I am going to eat something I shouldnt.
Have a great night, I know I will.
Here I am...Here I am...
Here's what I like today- brand spankin new pedicures. My toes are DIVINE- all raspberry and sassy.
The hives are 99% gone- either that, or I am so doped up on antihistamines that nothing can break through. It's very possible that the latter is a strong possibility.
Work, well what can I say about work- tis been a bitch of a week. Without going into the crappy details, my big ass has been ran ragged this week. Turns out, I have to work this weekend to- oh joy and rapture. Internet, can you feel my excitement?
The roomate situation is still taking some getting used to. I am just a princess- not used to sharing my space or my stuff. I like coming into a quiet house. I like coming into a house with my stuff exactally how I left it. I need to adjust.
The man situation. The last date was Sunday- it was, what I thought an exceptionally good date. Needless to say, he hasn't called since. This seems to be a trend with me. My guy friends tell me not to worry about it, that he may call next week. Who knows? At this point, nothing can really phase me anymore.
I want to do something different with my life- not quite sure what it is. I really have been thinking about writing a book- maybe a cookbook- but that has been SOO done. If I were going to do it, I would need to find an angle. Then I think about integrating all of this into a lifestyle website- complete with selling some stuff- my mom has been making some really awesome bags and jewelry, maybe working that into it. I don't know- I feel like I need to be doing SOMETHING!
Thats my scoop for the night. Feels good to write it all down.
not quite sure where or how I got em, or how long they are going to be here for, but I have them and its akin to hell.
just when they go away from one part of my body they show up on another part of my body. its crazy. HUGE welts, little bumps, small dots, its all over the place. I have been in a Benadryl haze for two days now.
Alas, I itch away and am unable to blog anything worthwhile.
my left thumb and right knee itch.
oh yes, if you do anything this week, buy the new Coldplay album. Tis groovy
a cure for what ails you
holding a baby or petting a puppy.
seriously. babys and puppies hold no grudges, judge not, and question little. they put their faith into the person whose hands lay upon them. they smell good (well, for the most part) and are cuddle crazy.
i am having, shall we say, a stress filled week. i am sitting in my office right now, and all I could think about was how cool it would be to hold a baby right now. when you hold a baby, every bad thought slips away from your head for a few moments. on of my singularly favorite moments of the year was in the winter. i was at a friends house for dinner one night. she has the coolest kid in THE ENTIRE WORLD. this child (who happens to have the exact same name as me) and I were sitting on the couch reading books, discussing life and make-up (why she can't wear any) and how great Frank Minatra (Sinatra) is- this little fire cracker is 3 years old. That night I got a full dose of kiddo -it just so calming and so nice. It centered me and made me feel good!
Last month I got to hold another friends brand spankin new baby Shane. He was GORGEOUS. Just tiny and new. With soft skin and precious eyes. He knew nothing except hunger and safety. I was providing him safety in my arms.
Is nice to realize once in a while that the world doesn't revolve completely around you.
without a doubt
i am going to go take a LONG hot shower, head to my local crack dealer (starbucks) and start all over again.
My funeral music...
1. Everyone wear something Pink and Black. Even the men. A little pink for Katieg.
2. Bury me with my Pink Silk Kate Spade Purse. Its a limited edition. I will come back and haunt the bastard that takes that. Seriously.
3. Throw the biggest damn party afterwards. We are taking a hella party complete with margartias, martinis and Dean Martin. I want everyone to tell stories about me, smoke cigarettes, and laugh- with each other, not about me.
4. At my funeral I want the following music played:
* Halleuliah by Jeff Buckley
* Oh Happy Day by Aretha Franklin
* Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls
* Best is Yet to Come- Frank Sinatra
Just my morbid midday monday musing.
Monday Morning Mirth...
Oh what a beautiful morning....
Its a gorgeous day.
Could I say gorgeous one more time?
My plan for the day:
Weed the flower beds
Play in the kiddie pool
Make my bed (yes, I actually have to remind my self to do this)
Work on Jellys blog- I am trying to pump up her blog- we found this sexy skin for it, but the code is a piece of crap.
Have a date tonight. I just like saying that
Thats about it.
Have a great day internet, I know I will!
cracking the code, or demystifying
Dinner great on Thursday, he said he would call on Friday- and he did.
Talked to him yesterday and said he would call today- guess what- HE DID!
We are going out for dinner and a movie tomorrow. OH MY GOD- a normal date. Instigated by the guy. HE HAD A PLAN. HE HAD A CLUE.
Clearly I have been dating idiots in the past, because I havent had a guy suggest a plan for a date in well, ever!
Now, its time to go back to my normal schitzophrenic mode, where I start wondering if he is gay, married, or an axe murderer. Surely something must be wrong with him if he is actually showing interest in me right?
Whether he turns out to be a freakshow or not, I have pedicured and manicured myself. Worked on my tan, and might even tweeze my eyebrows tomorrow- Might as well make a good impression dontcha think?
so things have changed a little bit...
I swear I am not getting my hopes up, but how freaking cool is that?
Just the fact that a guy called when he said he would call rekindles my faith with all that have something dangling betwixt thine legs.
My favorite uncle turns 40 this week- he still just seems like 6 minutes older than me, its weird to think he is actually a grown up now!
I am off to work on my tan.
More later
Grilled Cherry Pizza- Grillin at its Finest
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons cold butter
3 eggs, lightly beaten with 3 tablespoons water
1 cup water
1/2 cup Champagne or vinegar
1 cup pitted Bing cherries
3 cups thin pastry cream, well-chilled, recipe follows
3/4 cup cherry preserves
In the bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade, combine the flour, sugar, and baking powder. Cut in the butter. Pulse until butter is well distributed and the mixture resembles a coarse meal. Add eggs and pulse again until dough clumps together. Gather the dough into a ball. Divide dough and wrap in waxed paper. Chill for 1 hour. Add water and vinegar to a medium pot. Add cherries and cook until cherries are soft. Drain. Heat up grill. Butter a 10-inch round cake pan. Roll dough into a circle and transfer to cake pan. Pinch edges to form a crust, like that of a pan pizza. Fill dough with pastry cream. Spread cherry preserves and cherries. Place pie on pizza on pizza stone on grill. Cook until dough is crispy and brown, about 1 hour.
Pastry Cream: 1 quart whole milk 1 vanilla bean, split and seeds removed 10 large egg yolks 1 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup cornstarch
In a 2-quart saucepan, combine the milk and vanilla bean and bring to a boil. Turn off heat immediately and keep warm while you whisk the yolks. In a medium bowl, combine the yolks, sugar, and cornstarch and whisk until thoroughly combined. While whisking, slowly add the warm milk mixture into the yolks and then transfer this back into the saucepan over medium heat. Whisk constantly while you bring the custard to a boil; it should begin to thicken immediately. Whisk until thickened completely, about 3 minutes. Pour through a fine-mesh strainer into a clean bowl and use a rubber spatula to push everything through. Place a sheet of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the custard to prevent a skin from forming and refrigerate until completely chilled. Yield: 5 cups
friday mid-day musings...
this week has been expensive- rent, insurance, groceries, gym membership, haircut, gas, oil change, internet, yard kid, etc.
this week has been filled with change- new housemate, new migraine medication, new friends.
this week has been filled with challenges- jogging, and yoga and fund raising.
all this in 5 days.
what will next week bring?
to quote my daddy...
as I get ready for bed tonight, I am thinking about that statement. not sure what it means, have yet to figure out what he meant- maybe I will figure it out someday.
Its been one hell of a week- productive, but busy. We are moving forward on the Casa's for CASA fundraiser, working on a new release at work (bleh) and adjusting rather well to my new housemate. I like having someone in the house- i havent slept this well since my mama spent the week with me.
anyhoo- thats all i got in me for today. hopefully I will be more verbose over the weekend.
love ya all more than my luggage,
please accept my apologies
work is busy and for some reason, they expect me to produce. Sheesh.
Will make up for the boring blog later today!
I have been inspired
I dont know why this intrigues me so.
This weekend, I am going to the mall to investigate. It could be fun. This could be my one and only chance to me a "SUPERSTAR"
and on that note, I must say in my best "Sound of Music " tones-
So long, farewell, Au'voir, auf wiedersehn, I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehn, goodbye,I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye, Good bye
The sun has gone to bed and so must I So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye,Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye!
*love y'all more than my luggage,
craftastic or craptastic?
today however, I am overwhelmed with the urge to create tacky art. Specifically, a hand painted garden gnome. Its been in my head all day long, what ever should I do? There is a great place in town called The Workshop www.theworkshopaustin.com that could probably satiate my need, but do I really need a Garden Gnome.
I am going to sleep on this.
These sound devine... Apple Enchiladas
1 (21 oz) can apple fruit filling6 (8") flour tortillas1 tsp. ground cinnamon (I use a little more)1/2 cup butter1/2 cup sugar1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar1/2 cup water
Spoon fruit filling evenly down center of each tortilla; sprinkle evenly with cinnamon. Roll up, and place, seam side down, in a lightly greased 2-qt. baking dish.Bring butter and next 3 ingredients to a boil in a meduim saucepan; reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring constantly 3 minutes. Puor over enchiladas; let stand 30 minutes.Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve with vanilla ice cream... makes 4-6 servings.
Problems at the Starbucks this morning. My favorite barrista Michelle looked at my with sadness in her eyes, and told me they were all out of Venti cups- Now, I know you are probably thinking, "big deal, you caffiene junkie"- but when you have your heart set on a Venti Iced Coffee with Splenda you NEED your Venti Iced Coffee with Splenda. Michelle made my day- she handed me 2, yep 2 grande iced coffees and sent me on my merry way. I tipped Michelle two bucks to show my gratitude for the caffiene hook up.
Thats all for now, am brainstorming the bombshell of the day for later!