Venti Iced Coffee from the 'bucks. Oh Bucks of the Star- how I love thee.
I am mellow, listening to Rufus Wainwright and Elliot Smith this morning. I am thinking about my friendships in the past, and my current ones...
We all have so many people in our lives that come and go, sometimes its sad to see a friend walk away, othertimes its almost a relief.
Take for example, my best friend C. She and I have been bestest friends for almost 10 years now. We have, in the past 9 months just grown apart. Our lives are very different- she is a 2nd grade teacher that loves sitting home watching tv with her cat, and I am pretty much the opposite. I try to find joy in things, and she just seems pretty negative at all times. She is about to go on a three month trip to Europe- I sincerly hope that she finds some happiness and joy while she is gone. She has been there for me, and I will always be there for her.
Another friend J- he has been my rock for the past three years- holding my hand when I broke up with Thomas, taking me out drinking to forget, making me laugh, letting me drive and name his convertible Lola- this man is the reason why I am somewhat sane today. I hope for him that he finds the sweetest girl in the world to marry.
My friend M. She is a diva to the ninth degree. She takes life by the balls and runs all over town with it. She is in the process of buying a house- we shall call it Tara by the way. All she needs is someone running around in a hoop skirt and the visual will be complete. She has opened my eyes to really good shoes, quality purses and the joys of having mid day martinis. She is just an awesome friend.
What about my friend B? She is an amazing mommy (ok, I adore her daughter), a great wife and a wonderful friend. She values home, and house. She can throw a party like no other. She is starting on a new business venture this year and I admire her spirit.
D&G. What can I say about them? They bring joy to all around them. They have a zest for life that is infectious. They throw the most amazing soirees, and bring together the most eclectic group of people I have ever seen.
MJ- Oh MJ- my Alabammy Mammy. This woman I met around three years ago, has become my "other mom", but the fun cool version. She is from the deep deep south. She laughs at everything and enjoys life. She is wise and sarcastic. She gives goddamn good advice when I need it, and can gosspip with the best of them. I hope to know her for years to come.
N- My wonderfully sporty friend N. She and I are friends now because of a random mutual aquaintance. We are each other support system. Our lives are so different that we balance each other. And she makes a damn fine frozen margarita.
C- Oh C. He is well, a 37 year old curmudgen. He calls himself the nicest asshole in the world. Its pretty much true. If I ever need anything fixed, moved etc, he is my go to guy. If I am in a guy dilemna, I call this one. Plus, he takes me to Hooters.
B&L- my first "married couple" friends. They are wonderful. My Austin family. I wish them a long and happy marriage filled with communication and babies - so I can play Aunt Kate!
There are so many other people that complete my wonderful circle. I am priveleged.
I think about the people that I have known in times past. The people that are no longer in my life for various reasons. I thank them all- without them, I would not be the person I am today.
Happy Friday