

"too hot", "hot tubbin...too hot"- if any of you out there get this really random reference, I will send you a GD package.

anyhoo, its 2:34 am. I am finally home and back with my friends. pure bliss i tell you. spent the evening drinking ritas of the non hurricate variety, and hanging out in my friend Daves hottub. Talk about mondo relaxation. It was wonderful.

I am tired- physically, emotionally and well, my brain is fried. Work is good, albiet kicking my butt. Then again, so are the drinks I had tonight. Totally different story though.

I like a boy. He may like me. We have way too many things in common. We shall see.

I am headed to bed now.

This is what a post looks like after hot tubbin and drinks.

My apologies to all that have a English degree. The amount of spelling and grammar errors are astronomical, I am sure.

Rita, you hurricanical bitch, be damned. You wont even touch Austin. (I am now humming MC Hammers song- You cant touch this)

gnite dear internet, gnite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »